Adonis Richards
5 min readDec 18, 2019


image credit to Joe Mahoney

The outcry of the oppressed is a shriek contained in a box where sound doesn’t bounce around and ring into the ears of its containers. No, It is more of an annoyance that only causes them to silence their prey in a moment’s notice. As fast as possible. Without hesitation.

The screams of the hurt will only sound like scratches on a chalkboard to their killers. When those that screamed for “black lives matter”, the oppressed screamed louder “ all lives matter” when systemic oppression and racism reigned over the black and brown bodies and we asked to stop shooting us they tried to silence us in a hurry. And when Colin Kaepernick kneeled for the national anthem, The NFL silenced him faster than a rat gets…. you know the rest.

Kaep was a beacon for those crying for freedom. He became a marauder in the same breath. His name will be mentioned with the Mohammed Alis, the Kareem Abdul Jabbars, the Jim Browns, the Bill Russells and the LeBron James’.

But, what if I were to tell you about a marauder that media had forgotten? The initial national anthem protestor, Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf. Nba point guard for the Denver Nuggets and the Sacramento Kings in the 90s. He was a sharpshooter, some might say he was Steph Curry before Steph Curry. Yeah, he was that good. 14.6ppg, .354 3pt. fg%, 90.5% on free throws for a career. He was a shooter for real and a damn good one at that.

