Adonis Richards
1 min readNov 21, 2019

The emptiness I feel at times leaves a hunger in my soul I can’t seem to satisfy

The need to feed on success forces me to salivate on the possibilities of what I can achieve

However I continue to deceive my own hunger with thirsts

These thirsts are in the shape of the poisonous drinks of anxiety,


And depression

Exhaustion is the soda that I swallow in all my free time.

I want to quench these thirsts with the flagrant waters of dedication, determination, and belief in myself

So everyday I take the time to discipline myself and toss aside those dark drinks that make me think I can’t succeed

I do what I can to fill this satiating emptiness in my soul.

I refuse to consume the foods that naturally down my mood

The candies of self doubt, the fats of self hate.

Naw I’d rather eat the fruits of self love and appreciating.

This love apple and positive orange tastes way better than this burger of greasy depression

So I toss aside the pasta transgressions and begin to meal plan the new light that will propel me to the healthier living I’ve always pursued.