So You voted, What Now?

Adonis Richards
5 min readNov 9, 2020
image credit to pixabay

All year I’ve witnessed people discuss voting and its importance. And all year I’ve rolled my eyes. Watching the millions of social media posts and commercials about how imperative voting is this year and how not voting is “voting as well”. The conversation of the “lesser of two evils”. and the overarching cataclysm that has been this two-party dominated system under the succubus of capitalism. Now that we are closing in on this election, and people have voted they seem to have some sort of confidence that they did the right thing.

There’s a conversation that getting rid of Donald trump delivers some sort of heroic act that defeats a tyrant from office. As if The systems of racial and cis male oppression are going to wash away once we vote Joe Biden in.

( I know this isn’t the truth, and the majority of the conversation deters from that, however the energy reveals something different in my interpretation.)

there’s the constant conversation of voting, as if it is the end all be all, the absolute. And I believe that is why so many people choose not to vote

And that conjures up this ultimate question I’ve had for a while now.

What do you do after you vote?

so you’ve voted, what’s next? What do you do after you vote? Yes your vote counts, but it is not the…

