National poetry month Day 1: What does Liberation look like to you?

Adonis Richards
3 min readApr 1, 2021
Image credit ti Pixabay

A poem to discuss Liberation

Imperialism is a plague that spreads its Essence across the globe

Capitalism is the scourge that riddles the skies and blinds eyes with images of gold and green that force us to survive.

When in reality we really should thrive off bartering and community collective efforts.

Patriarchy and the desire to hold onto outdated ideals are pieces to a stinking onion.

We peel layer after layer of guilt, sacrifice,

and destruction of each other like monkeys in a barrel we sin

in order to win. Then create sins to keep others from thinking within themselves,

think that they deserve far better than these chains we call laws.

That were designed by flawed men seeking their own safety and reverence

The ever-looming prescience of capitalism lessens the growth for all bodies and black and brown ones?

Ohhh how short the end of the stick is and how extensive the hold that has been placed upon us.

A long time has come

And nothing new has been done.

