Adonis Richards
1 min readMay 13, 2019

I told the stars about you

And they sang and danced all night

Cheering for how much light I admitted

When singing your praises

They glistened and screamed your name to me

I told them about how beautiful you were

About how you resemble them,

Giving me glorious light in my darkest nights

Keeping me sane while I stared In awe at how gorgeous you were

I told them you were like them,

That even that right now you are so far you are so bright, and that you light up my life

And one day I’d make you my wife

I told the stars about you and watched them sing

I watched them ring a passionate tune in the silent night

I wish they could meet you tonight

One day we’ll sit here and talk to the stars together, and we’ll sing

And we’ll dance

And we’ll watch them glance back at us

Bright and filled with life

Just like my love for you