I solemnly swear to write in my journals more

Adonis Richards
3 min readAug 1, 2021

I bought my own apartment in order to do so. However, I haven’t escaped the dark crevices of my mind that control my universe. Outside validation and feeling like I’m unsuccessful have consumed that time. Therefore, instead of releasing my thoughts out onto paper, I rush to my computer screen to push out articles in a struggle to write.

In the process, I damage my eyes staring at a blank screen like (Spongebob when he had to write in that one episode). So today, I declare to write more often in my journals.

I wish to create more, to believe in myself. Today, I wish to get back to the fundamental traits of a writer. This is because I want to write for the joy of writing. I want to get back to writing to inspire and eliminating the guidelines of online writing. so much of my online writing is free, yet the pressure of guidelines be it SEO strategy or hot-to manuals have constricted my desire and ability to write. Yes, I want to make money writing, but that’s not why I’m a writer.

As I said before, I write to inspire people. My words are cosmic displays of brilliance across the night sky that guide lost travelers to safety on cold nights. I want to get back to doing so. And I will, by following these four steps.

  1. Write for 15 minutes in my journals.
    I have two journals, one is filled with 300…

