Crashing into Life Pt.1

Adonis Richards
4 min readDec 31, 2020

A conversation about me crashing based on my own anxiety

I’m never at ease, always in a hurry, anxious, uptight almost. Consistently thinking and at times that thought process can cause crashes almost instantly.

I’m speaking figuratively and literally. At times I crash because of my overthinking. My mind can rush into a daze that flurries my psyche into millions of thoughts that distract me consistently over the course of a moment.

And at that moment, I can crash. Actually, In those moments, I have literally crashed.

I’m going to tell you a couple of stories About how I’ve crashed twice this year while driving, and how my thoughts can be the catalyst for said crashes.

Crash 1

I was driving upstate in New York to my alma matter right after a storm. A friend of mine accompanied me. He was expecting to visit his girlfriend and surprise her.

His excitement ran across his face as he loved visiting this school. And for good measure, the social climate up there was prime for him. A young 20-year-old kid, enjoying the fruits of a college atmosphere.

For me, I was 25, chasing careers and other miscellaneous ideals that would further solidify me in the world at the time. Nevertheless, I needed a weekend away from the madness and…



Adonis Richards
Adonis Richards

Written by Adonis Richards

Writing to inspire others. Content focused on self-love, self-improvement, education, sports, DEIB, restorative Practices, and more.

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