A not so random morning
Wake up and brush those teeth
Now wash your face,
Put on that shower make sure you’ve got underwear for when you get out,
Sometimes I’ll forget like lotion or deodorant so I gotta run half naked through the house hoping no one sees me exposed like a scared mouse I rush through the catacombs of my own home just to not hear anyone’s mouth,
Aww shit I forgot my slippers so now my feet are exposed,
Finally grab everything I need, washing my ass now
Take extra time to be fresh and clean, wash off the dead skin sells that smell like yesterday’s ups and downs
Contemplate for 5–10
Minutes, don’t even wash just sit there in silence thinking of random shot like gun violence and how imma lead my people to stop being traumatized by the sights and sounds of sirens
Wonder about a few women people and think about some concepts for a podcast I’d probably never do,
A couple of poems run through my mind but they’d never make it to the pen and pad
Why? Because by the time I get out the shower they’ve already disappeared in my head,
By now I’m out, and dried off
Mind still running like a jackal chasing its next meal, my dog has followed me to the edge of the house where I’m fixing everything right by the side of my bed.
Room untidy from long days of stress I make this uncanny bed and fix up what little bit I can
Run some oil to my mouth to pull extra bacteria
Put on some espn
Contemplate and write down new posts to put to my posts
Edit a couple of poems
Put together my gym bag
Fall deep into my depression one
Step out, breath
Perceive the day that I achieve everything I hoped for,
Smile, go back to that bathroom and believe in myself, fix my hair, put a lil coconut oil in it, some Argan, drop of castor
Remind myself I need to drop hair growth in it today,
Grab my bag, and head out.
It’s time to conquer my day